bugat,10 kilometres east of sudak,crimea,ukraine

by frank nixon

Spent a month in the Ukraine, two weeks in Sudak. There are beaches everywhere, just strip off.

Bugat is all rocks,just walk west when arriving there. Not the easist of walks,but worth the effort. Flat stones and the black sea mmmmm like bath water.

Ukraines and Russians very friendly. No transport,just hold your hand up. Give money it's a poor country. Travel is cheap, 1000klms on a train about £6 and that's for a sleeper, 5klms bus journey about 10p.

Apartment for two weeks about £150 and can be found anywhere. Food and drink are really cheap, wine freaks will have a ball. Flights about 3hours to Simeropol crimea, same to kiev but probably a 15hour train journey to the crimea.

My partner had never gone naked before now there's no stopping her. Fuel's about 30p a litre if your driving but watch out for the potholes..monsters,need ladders to climb out.

Try it,it won't disappoint.Frank Nixon. Doncaster

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Jun 06, 2014
amended after MR.PUTINS visit
by: frank nixon

You will now need a visa to visit the Crimea because its now part of the Russian Federation, plus nobody is visiting as most people don't like the actions of the Russian government.

I have contacted friends there and it's quieter than Cleethorpes on a wet winter sunday. Shame....beautiful memories.

Frank Nixon

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