Morfa Duffryn

by Reg

I arrived in Barmouth and found my way to the beach. As I walked along the beach towards the naturist section my heart seemed to be beating faster, and the nearer I got the faster it beat. By the time I reached a small clearing on the sand my mouth had dried up, so as cooly as I could I spread out my towel, stripped, then promptly laid down on my front. I must have laid like this for about an hour.

I could see no-one was taking any notice of me so I sat up on my towel and after about fifteen minutes I got to my feet, had a stretch and walked down the beach and had a splash in the water. I then walked back to my towel at a time when most people seemed to be looking down the beach the way I came from and no-one batted an eyelid.

As a sixty-nine year old that was the first time I went nude in public and it won't be the last.

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Mar 04, 2012
Well done
by: Anonymous

As a 68 year old myself and enjoying being nude as often as possible, as I have done for many years, it is never too late to discover and enjoy the freedom. Share it with a friend.

May 10, 2011
my first time
by: walkman

My first time was in spain and like you 67 years old and no one took any notice. Love it spend as much time nude as I can.

Oct 16, 2009
You are never too old
by: René Ramon

Well done Reg,

It just shows that a) you're never too old and
b) most people don't care,

After all The Lord made us all the same.
Cheers for now, René

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